My Support Community

I have long been a technophobe. Back in my teaching years, posting a course syllabus on the U of S internet site was a big challenge. Creating Power Point presentations was even worse. And I never did figure out how to use the electronic gizmo that would have allowed me to write on my classroom whiteboard.

Then Covid hit. Teaching went online. And I retired. 

Retirement was wonderful. It gave me time to write and it reduced my need for technological expertise. I still called on my husband Doug for help with computer and internet problems, but for the most part I could manage on my own.

By the end of the pandemic, I’d completed my first novel. The publisher I sent it to made it clear that authors must help market their books. “No problem,” I said to myself. “While I wait to hear the fate of my offering, I’ll develop a social media presence and create an author’s webpage.”

Although most twelve-year-olds would be undaunted by the prospect, I couldn’t have done either without the help of my wonderful daughter-in-law. (She’s not technically my daughter-in-law, but we both like that designation.) Many years earlier my daughter Jocelyn had set me up on Facebook, but I never used my account. With prodding from Liz James (who was staying with us while Doug helped her build a tiny house), I started to post messages, respond to other people’s posts, and build an online community.

We created my webpage and posted my first two blogs. Then Liz left for a Unitarian Universalist convention in Pittsburgh.  I was temporarily on my own.

Enter Meghan Mickleson, a tech-wizard who shares my too-large gardens. If, as should happen, you get this blog in your inbox, we can both thank her for that technological miracle.

Just as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a community of family and friends to write a book, promote it, and get it published. Many thanks to everyone who’s helped. (And that includes those of you who are reading this blog.)


Why Choose to Write (When You Could Be Gardening)?


Writing the First Draft of a Series Novel